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why book with us?

No Hassle Reservation
Changes Or Cancellations

If something happens and you are not able to make it, we are here to help you. At Pa'ina Luau, you are welcome to email any changes 72 hours prior to your scheduled visit to the luau (please see our refund/exchange policy).

Best Price Guarantee.

When you book from our Pa'ina Luau site, the price you pay is the best that is offered on the internet.

Your Personal Information Is Secure.

Pa'ina Luau guarantees the security of its online bookings through encryption and protocols.

Ensure The Best Available Seats
For Pa'ina Luau. 

No other company that sells tickets to the Pa'ina Luau can offer you this guarantee. Your order has priority over all other vendors that might also sell the Luau. Seats sell out quickly sometimes weeks in advance.